Hello Friends,
While we always try to practice gratitude at CHN, it’s November and with Thanksgiving around the corner it’s practically impossible not to think about all the things we have to be grateful for.
In a year full of chaos, we are thankful for those who are serving on the mission field, we are thankful for all the people who have opened up their homes to missionaries, we are grateful for our team of volunteers and we are so incredibly grateful for the continued support of our donors
Meet Tom and Penny, missionaries in Brazil.
Tom became a Christian while serving in the Navy and afterwards attended Pillsbury Baptist Bible College in Owatonna, MN. After graduating from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Mpls, MN, Tom and Penny did 3 years of deputation and arrived in Brazil in 1976.
Penny’s journey as a believer began in 1961. She met Tom when she attended PBBC.
They started four churches and Tom is still pastoring the fourth church and coaching wrestling to abused children as well as the kids in their own church. They plan to stay in Brazil until the end.
Tom and Penny have three children: Captain Thomas Latham retired as an Army chaplain. Shane is still a missionary in Gravatai, Brazil. Kosette lives with her husband in Bayfield, CO. They have six grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
How you can Pray for Tom and Penny:
“Tom went to the bank and withdrew $1,113.00 to pay the workers at the church. When he got to the church two thugs came up, put a gun to his head and demanded he give them the money. He fought for his wallet and documents, but he was hit in the head and they grabbed the money.” Tom was able to keep Penny’s documents and credit cards. This is the 3rd time he have been robbed with a gun to his head. Tom said, “I believe it was an inside job at the bank. I just hope the nightmares don’t start up again.”
Navigator’s Nook
Cape Cod
This apartment is the smallest unit in this Old Captain’s House on Cape Cod and was built in 1850 for Captain Arthur Phinney.
Michael & Deirdre Moynihan have owned this house for approximately 15 years but it has not been available for short term rental till now.
“What we uniquely offer to our guests is the fact that I am a certified marriage coach and would love to offer my services to our missionary worker guests,” explained Deirdre. My husband and I run Marrytime Ministries (Facebook.com/MarrytimeMinistries) and can really relate to people out there on the field, as we ourselves spent 4 years as pioneer pastors in Atlanta GA. My husband Mike is a licensed Captain and just may offer to take guests out on our boat if the timing is right!”
Cape Cod is famous for its safe and relaxing atmosphere, its fishing, beaches, and its sharks! LOL!
It is exactly one mile away from Craigville Beach. They are RIGHT off the most charming Main Street in Centerville, near the famous 4 Seas Ice Cream, the 1856 General Store, the Library, and a huge public playground. The house is listed in the book “Images of America: Centerville” by Britt Steen Zuniga (page 23& 24) as it is the former home of Captain Arthur Phinney.
Having spent time pastoring out of state, and having many pastor friends, we have a burden for helping to bring refreshing and encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Christ. We also believe that it is critical to have a good marriage while out on the mission field. If you are distracted or depressed by relationship problems, it makes it very difficult to have revival! Thus the importance of the marriage ministry we offer.