Location: San José, Costa Rica

Dates: September 23rd – 26th 2019

Event Venue: Holiday Inn Aurola

Missionaries: 135

Team: 29

Sending Agencies: 44

Countries Served: 31


Getaway Details and Stories

the It’s here! Our first GETAWAY to Central America!  The time has finally arrived and the months that we’ve spent preparing, praying and fundraising will come to fruition as we embark on our GetAway to San José, Costa Rica.  We have 29 team members who are donating their time, talent and travel funds to serve a 135 missionaries and we can’t wait!

Speaking of missionaries- we have people traveling from 13 different countries to join us this year! San José is home to dense culture and history, exquisite architecture, and friendly locals. Considered to be both a traditional Central American city and cosmopolitan urban center, San José, provides a wonderful array of activities and attractions. 

Please pray with us, for us, for the missionaries, the hotel staff and everyone involved in this GETAWAY. God’s work on these trips always extend so much further than just those directly involved. And if you’ve stumbled upon this blog post months, or even years, after we’ve returned, you can still say a little prayer- that the work that the Lord begins on this trip continues to touch the lives of those involved.

Be sure to follow the Costa Rica GETAWAY online, as we will be posting lots of pictures, stories and live posts on both our Facebook and Instagram accounts. We will also be posting on album on our website after we’ve returned.

Thanks for going on this journey with us!  

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