Three weeks from today is the CHN (Christian Hospitality Network) GetAway Gala. The CHN Banquet is a fundraiser that uses the donations to provide a rest and restoration GetAWay for missionaries from any organization.
Every year, CHN goes to a different region of the world and reserves a very nice resort/hotel for missionaries in that part of the world. For example, this year we are going to Vietnam, last year it was Costa Rica, and before that there was one in Brazil and South Africa.
A volunteer group that includes doctors, chiropractors, nurses, counselors, financial advisors, hair stylists, worship team, and fellow sojourners and more –who pay their own way – are available for these missionaries that for the most part, have been in the field for years without much of break. Yes, they do get to come home but usually that time is to raise funds for their mission work.
The Get-A-Way is an opportunity for these workers to relax, to have time to restore their souls, as much as their body and mind. They can also see doctors and counselors and more or just spend the time relaxing at a pool, or just hanging out with team members sharing their stories and being encouraged and loved on. It’s not unusual to see a missionary checking in at the hotel and breaking down in tears. Around 80% of Christian missionaries burn out and quit before finishing what they felt called to do. Almost 50% of ministry workers suffer, or have suffered, from depression and end up dropping out of Christian service all together. Our mission is to fight this burnout and fatigue by providing these free Get-A-Ways for missionaries across the world, All they have to do is get there and CHN provides the room and board and services.
Help us help these helpers! Join us at the banquet: February 27th, 6:00 PM, Crowne Plaza, Knoxville, TN. Table sponsors have already paid for the tables. Come for a fun evening, including a silent auction, live entertainment and a scrumptious dinner!
Email to let us know and we will save you a place! Or if you cannot come and would like to help, you can donate HERE.