Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Dates: July 15th – 18th 2019
Event Venue: The Village of Chavannes-deBogis
Missionaries: 133
Team: 45
Sending Agencies: TBD
Countries Served: 27
Getaway Details and Stories
It’s here! The time has finally arrived and the months that we’ve spent preparing, praying and fundraising will come to fruition as we embark on our GetAway to Switzerland. By we, I mean 45 team members! Isn’t that exciting!? We have 45 people who are donating their time, talent and travel funds to go on a 5000 mile journey to serve a 133 missionaries. It’s going to be such a wonderful, transformational experience, for all.
Speaking of missionaries- we have people travelling from 27 different countries to join us this year in the small village of Chavannes-de-Bogis! Nestled in a valley at the western edge of Switzerland, just outside of Geneva, you will find this enchanting little place which is going to be the most beautiful backdrop for God to do his handiwork. From cobble stoned streets lined with outdoor cafés to the largest European lake, we know that this is the perfect setting for the much needed rest and restoration that our missionaries need.
We ask as we head on this journey, that you remember everyone in your prayers- from the team members and missionaries to the hotel staff and pilots flying our planes. God’s work on these trips always extend so much further than just those directly involved. And if you’ve stumbled upon this blog post months, or even years, after we’ve returned, you can still say a little prayer- that the work that the Lord begins on this trip continues to touch the lives of those involved.
Be sure to follow the Switzerland GetAway online, as we will be posting lots of pictures, stories and live posts on both our Facebook and Instagram accounts. We will also be posting on album on our website after we’ve returned.
Thanks for going on this journey with us, even if it’s just in spirit!
Our Family attended this getaway! We don’t have enough words to express how much it meant to us and how blessed we were to be there. The fellowship we had and the encouragement we received were like a balm to our hearts. Thank you from all our hearts for this amazing opportunity.