Since 2002 the Christian Hospitality Network has hosted 20 Missionary GetAways in 4-5 star hotels outside the U.S. Over 4,650 missionaries have been given 4 days of rest and regeneration near their fields of service. A hospitality team from the U.S. including doctors, chiropractors, hair stylist, counselors, and a worship team pay their own way to take the message that these front line workers are appreciated and not forgotten by the body of Christ.
Retreat Locations
Since 2002 we have organized 20 Getaways throughout the countries of Thailand, Brazil, Ghana, Hungary, Zimbabwe, Malta, Brazil, Turkey, Kenya, India, Hungary, Croatia, Peru, Zimbabwe, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Poland, Greece, Ecuador and South Africa. Learn more about the past CHN Getaways.

Christian Hospitality Network Getaways – By the Numbers

The Impact of a Getaway on Missionaries that Attend

“We have been working alone in our ministry and didn’t even realize how emotionally drained we were until we got recharged at the GetAway. After the days of interacting with other missionaries as well as the GetAway team members, we returned to our field with more joy and focus.” – Rachel, Missionary in Eastern Europe
“It was an awesome opportunity to spend quality time “alone’ with my with wife, something that is almost impossible on the mission field. To be pampered with nice accommodations, great food and beautiful gardens was so very refreshing. We went away from the getaway ready to tackle the challenges that await us back home on the mission field.” – Marcus, Missionary in Southeast Asia
Read More Quotes from Missionaries impacted by a Getaway
Learn more about a CHN Getaway
This is an overview video of our recent getaway to Poland in 2015.
Upcoming Getaways

Learn more about where the next getaways will be.
Past Getaways

Learn more about where we have been in our past getaways.